About YOU
Gifts R Unique by Modeltude Agency is an online eco-friendly (health/beauty) and inspirational (clothing/jewelry) boutique located in Irving, TX, that was created with YOU in mind. We are excited to bring to YOU a selection of quality items that are sure to please. You may be thinking what is unique about our gifts.
Well, when you make a purchase a percentage of up to 20% (based on the sales volume) of your purchase will go towards providing essential needs for families within our communities through Be A Blessing Challenge, which is our virtual online essential needs match-up platform. All BABC donations go through our non-profit partner Skill & Faith Athletes . This is what we call the unique 'Gift of Giving'.
Your team will ensure that your purchase is not just meaningful to YOU, but those in need during these unprecedented times. What a feeling to be able to shop, pay it forward, and receive FREE SHIPPING at the same time!
Courtesy Shopper Offer: Let us know if you want a specific item, and we will shop it for YOU! Yes, we will find it and you can purchase it from our site to support the cause of being a BLESSING. Your item will remain in our store for others to shop as well until we receive other shopper's request.
Send us an email to learn more and to send your request. Be sure to subscribe so you are kept up to date on how your purchase(s) are making a difference.
Our online store has become synonymous with quality and we ensure a continuous variety of fantastic merchandise along with unique limited edition and seasonal items that fit any budget. Check it out and start shopping and making a difference today! BLESS TO BLESS